Thursday, April 15, 2010

Game Variation

Hey, just thought id post the idea i had in class today. So instead of having the boxing bag as a memory/music game, we could have the boxing bag (Larry) have a certain amount of health, say 100hp. And then for every time you punch larry it hurts him, depending on how hard you hit.
Larry would then respond to every blow, (possible words or we had an idea of using an elmo doll)
Then the lower the hp gets, the angrier or the more it responds to every hit.
You can play it as a one player or 2 player, and make the game more challenging by shorting the game time, or giving Larry more Hp, so you have to hit the bag more.
Just an idea.


  1. Sounds amusing for a few minutes. Then that's it.

  2. Ah ok, if you have any better ideas id like to hear them. As i said this was just an idea. Perhaps you could leave some more insightful feedback as to make this idea more amusing.
